Tuesday 18 November 2008

Your a virgin and now i'm going to fuck your mind with my literature and thoughts.

Okay, so technically this is my first blog on this site! The others are what i made on MySpace a while ago.

I do have one favour to ask though.
If you have read my previous two blogs you will of realised that i am very sarcastic, always have an opinion and also like making lists.
So for you to get to know me a bit better, if you have any curiosities on what i think or what my favorite whatever is... Ask me and i will answer yours questions/do the lists in the next blog!

Onto business!

I have a 120GB I-Pod Classic!
I want some new/good music on. Something that's new to me and that i will like. Any recommendations?
Don't go judging me by my cover. I listen to everything. So anything you recommend will not make me laugh and flip you off!
Unless its Teletubbies soundtrack, then yes your probably going to get flipped off!

Okay i have nothing to talk about because it is my first blog so hurry and give me something to write about! =)

I also recommended songs on my MySpace blogs so i am going to carry that tradition going!

Snow Patrol - You Could Be Happy

It is almost like a lullaby this song. I have fell asleep to it countless times.

Bizzle-Mah-Nizzle =)

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